Saturday, February 6, 2010

Slacking...or not

Well I've definitely been slacking in the blog writing department, but not so much in my regular life. In fact I just finished a stretch of almost 3 weeks with non-stop tests, quizzes and assignments to do. The good news is that I've done well on pretty much everything. So sorry if I haven't been writing. Although perhaps this is one of the reasons I've been slacking. Is anyone actually reading this blog?!

School-wise I am about 1/3 of my way through this term. A&P is turning out to still be super hard and interesting and nutrition is easy and interesting. OHSU has all my stuff and now I have to wait until early April to know if I'm in or not. I have to get my act together to register at Portland State University where I will take my statistics class spring term. Out of all the classes I have to take, statistics is the one that scares me the most. When I was in grad school, it was the one class that I took that I got a B in. I already have a tutor lined up though and hopefully that plus taking the class with my friend will help me to at least get a B.

Work is work. There are so many things about my job that are good for me and yet the nature of the work is wearing on me. I'm tired of hearing about everyone's problems. Or at least the ones that to me seem petty but to the callers seem life or death. My patience is thin and I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, but it's hard. I'll be glad to leave that chapter of my work life behind. I feel like I did when I quit my last restaurant job after grad school and said "I'll never work in a restaurant again". I can't wait until I can say the same thing about mental health.


  1. Hey- I'm reading. I am not entirely clear how you are coping with all the work and your job sounds hellish. Hang in there!

  2. Thanks Mark,
    I'm reading your blog too :) My life is a big balancing act...throw in helping my Brazilian gf adjust to life in the US into the mix and you get a sleep deprived, kind of crabby, not much socialization time Cheryl. But hey, I'm moving towards my goals and try to focus on that as much as I can. All this will be worth it! I'm doing my best to think positive!
