Thursday, January 7, 2010


I was so looking forward to my 5 day "vacation" before school started and on day 2 I started experiencing cold symptoms. On day 4 I decided to go see a naturopathic doctor who did a hydrotherapy treatment on me and gave me some herbal supplements to help boost my immune system. Today, which would be about day 5 or 6 of the cold, I called in sick to work and am spending the day in bed.

I debated long and hard last night about whether to call in or not, but then my sense of how it's best to rest up and give your body the time to heal kicked in and I decided to take care of myself. It was a good call since now I'm in the coughing phase and I feel an extreme lack of energy. I am going to work tomorrow, sick or not because I don't want to take any more time off. Our sick and vacation time is from the same bundle of hours, so when I call in sick I take away from my vacation time.

I'm using my bed time to go between reading my nutrition assignment and book 7 of Harry Potter. Here's hoping I can finish both!

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